=========== DISview [518] !CMDSET.TXT =========== =========================== Command Set Reference Guide =========================== This file contains details of the syntax and parameters of all of the commands to be found in Demon's KA9Q NET version 2.16, contained in the DIS216C package. Default parameters are shown in braces; e.g. {30}. ----------------------------------- Network name and address parameters ----------------------------------- -----------+ +------- | | <------> <---------> email_address ==> ian@dowrmain.demon.co.uk <-> <------------------> | | -----+ +------------- | <------------------> dowrmain.demon.co.uk. <-------------------> | ---------------------+ (fully qualified domain name) ________________________________________________________________ ? (help: list of top-level NET commands) ! (break out to shell) # (comment line) F10 (default escape to NET Session Manager) ________________________________________________________________ abort [] (FTP) arp arp add ether|ax25|netrom|arcnet arp drop ether|ax25|netrom|arcnet arp flush arp publish ether|ax25|netrom|arcnet asystat at [ | | | now+ ] attach asy [c] slip|ax25|nrs|ppp [] flags f: force 16650A n: no TX flow control attach packet [] ________________________________________________________________ cd [] close [] ________________________________________________________________ delete detach dialer dialer [[[]]] dialer demand dialer failexit (use ESC RETURN to terminate dialing from the keyboard) Init Commands ------------- dial_cmd "" init "" ld_code "" number "" retries Dial Commands ------------- control up|down dial init send "" [] speed status up|down wait [ "" [] ] cwait [ "" "" [, "" ...] [] ] dir [|] disconnect [] domain addserver domain cache clean [on|off] {off} domain cache list domain cache size [] {100} domain cache wait [] {300} domain dropserver domain list domain maxwait [] {0} domain query domain qtype {255} type: 255=TYPE_ANY 1=TYPE_A domain retry [] {2} domain startdns domain stopdns domain suffix [] {demon.co.uk} domain trace [on|off] {off} ________________________________________________________________ echo [accept|refuse] (telnet) {accept} eol [standard|null] (telnet) {standard} escape [|] {324=F10} exit ________________________________________________________________ finger []@ (N.B. no spaces either side of the "@" symbol) finger status@gate (get Demon system status) finger motd@gate (get Demon Message-of-the-Day) finger @post (list waiting SMTP mail) finger @post (get IP address of ) finger @post (get hostname of ) fkey fkey [|""] (in the string, use \n or ^M for RETURN) (start string with '[command]' to return to net> prompt) NORMAL SHIFT CONTROL ALT | Miscellaneous ------ ----- ------- --- | ------------- F1 59 84 94 104 | page up 73 F2 60 85 95 105 | page down 81 F3 61 86 96 106 | home 71 F4 62 87 97 107 | end 79 F5 63 88 98 108 | up arrow 72 F6 64 89 99 109 | down arrow 80 F7 65 90 100 110 | left arrow 75 F8 66 91 101 111 | right arrow 77 F9 67 92 102 112 | insert 82 F10 68 93 103 113 | delete 83 ftp ascii batch [on|off] binary cd close dir [| []] get [] hash (= verbose 3) help [] list [| []] ls [| []] mget [ ...] mkdir mput [ ...] nlst [| []] open pager [on|off] put [] quit rmdir source type [a | i | l ] {a} verbose [] {2} n=0: errors only 1: + summary 2: + progress 3: + hash view ftpopt ascii|binary|hash ftpopt pager [on|off] ftpopt type ascii | binary | logical ftpopt verbose (see above for n) ftpopt wrap cols=0: wrap off F10 (default escape to NET Session Manager) ________________________________________________________________ help (or ?) (list of top-level NET commands) hop check hop maxttl [] {30} hop maxwait [] {5} hop queries [] {3} hop trace [on|off] {off} hostname [] ________________________________________________________________ icmp echo [on|off] (must be on for one-shot ping) {on} icmp status icmp trace [on|off] (turn off for hop check) {off} ifconfig ifconfig ifconfig broadcast ifconfig encapsulation none|ax25|encap|ether|slip|netrom|ppp ifconfig forward ifconfig ip_address ifconfig linkaddress ifconfig mtu ifconfig netmask [0x] ifconfig rxbuf inline [on|off] ip address [] ip filter delete ip filter list ip filter deny in|out ip filter permit in|out ip rtimer [] {30} ip status ip ttl [] {64} isat [on|off] {off} ________________________________________________________________ kick [] ________________________________________________________________ log [|stop] ________________________________________________________________ mbox mbox attend [on|off] mbox maxmsg [] {200} mbox motd [""] mbox status mbox timer [] {0} mbox tiptimeout [] {180} memory freelist memory ifbufsize [] {2048} memory minheap [] memory nibufs [] {5} memory sizes memory status memory thresh [] {8192} mkdir more [ ...] (q: quit) (space: next page) (ENTER: next line) multitask [on|off] {on} ________________________________________________________________ nntp addserver [] [] [ [ ...]] nntp batch [on|off ] nntp directory [spool|control ] nntp dropserver nntp groups [ ... ] nntp kick [] nntp listservers nntp newgroups [on|off] nntp safety [on|off] nntp trace [] n=0: no trace 1: serious errors 2: transient errors 3: session progress 4: received articles 5: errors 6: 7: max trace nntp verbose [on|off] ________________________________________________________________ param param [ ...] param 8|dtr [] (n=0: DTR lo) (n=1: DTR hi) param 9|rts [] (n=0: RTS lo) (n=1: RTS hi) param 10 [] param up param down param blind ping [ [ []]] ppp ppp idle [ [exit|noexit]] {noexit} ppp ipcp open active|passive ppp ipcp timeout [] ppp ipcp try configure [] ppp ipcp try failure [] ppp ipcp try terminate [] ppp ipcp local|remote address [|allow [on|off]] ppp ipcp local|remote compress [tcp [|none|allow [on|off]] ppp lcp close ppp lcp local|remote ppp lcp local|remote accm [ | allow [on|off]] ppp lcp local|remote authenticate [pap|none|allow [on|off]] ppp lcp local|remote compress address|control [on|off|allow [on|off]] ppp lcp local|remote compress protocol [on|off|allow [on|off]] ppp lcp local|remote default ppp lcp local|remote magic [on|off|allow [on|off]] ppp lcp local|remote mru []|allow [on|off]] ppp lcp open active|passive ppp lcp timeout [] ppp lcp try configure [] ppp lcp try failure [] ppp lcp try terminate [] ppp pap user [ []] ppp trace [] ps pwd [] ________________________________________________________________ record [|off] {off} remote [-p ] [-k ] [-a ] exit|reset|kick remote -s rename reset [] rip accept rip add [] flags=1: include route to self 2: split horizon 4: triggered update rip drop rip merge [on|off] {off} rip refuse rip request rip status rip trace [] n=0: no trace 1: changes only 2: full trace rlogin ~d: download ~u: upload rmdir route route add [/] | default [gateway_nodename []] route addprivate [/] | default [gateway_nodename []] route drop [/] route flush route lookup rsh [] ________________________________________________________________ session session [] shell smtp batch [on|off] {off} smtp beep [on|off] smtp delay [] ?????????? smtp gateway [] smtp kick smtp kill smtp list smtp maxclients [] {10} smtp mode [queue|route] {route} smtp separator {null} smtp timer [] {0} smtp trace [] n=0: trace off 7: max trace smtp verbose [on|off] smtp wait [] {20} socket [] source sourceb start discard|echo|finger|ftp|remote|rip|smtp|telnet| time|ttylink start tip stop discard|echo|finger|ftp|remote|rip|smtp|telnet| time|ttylink stop tip ________________________________________________________________ tcp irtt [] {5000} tcp kick <&TCB> tcp mss [] {512} tcp reset <&TCB> tcp rtt <&TCB> tcp status [<&TCB>] tcp syndata [on|off] {off} tcp trace [on|off] {off} tcp window [] {2048} telnet [] {23} telnet 25 (SMTP) telnet 87 (CHAT/TTYLINK) telnet | (Built-in KA9Q BBS) (see the end of this file for details of the built-in KA9Q BBS Commands) test time auto [on|off] time delay [] time maxcorrect [] time mincorrect [] time read time server [] time set tip trace trace [ []] BTIO_flags: B=0 Broadcast filter off (trace all packets) B=1 Broadcast filter on (ignore broadcasts) T=0 Display protocol headers only T=1 Display headers + ASCII text T=2 Display headers + ASCII text + hex I=0 Ignore input packets I=1 Trace input packets O=0 Ignore output packets O=1 Trace output packets ________________________________________________________________ udp status upload upload ________________________________________________________________ watch [on|off] {off} ________________________________________________________________ NET STARTUP OPTIONS =================== NET [-b] (console BIOS) [-d ] [-m ] [-s ] [-v] [ ] WELL-KNOWN PORT NUMBERS ======================= 0 reserved 23 TELNET 79 FINGER 1-4 unassigned 25 SMTP 87 TTYLINK 5 RJE 37 TIME 95 SUPDUP 7 ECHO 39 RLP 101 HOSTNAME 9 DISCARD 42 NAMESERVER 102 ISO-TSAP 11 USERS 43 NICNAME 109 POP-2 13 DAYTIME 53 DOMAIN 113 AUTH 15 NETSTAT 67 BOOTPS 117 UUCP-PATH 17 QUOTE 68 BOOTPC 119 NNTP 19 CHARGEN 69 TFTP 513 RLOGIN 20 FTP-data 75 private dialout 21 FTP 77 private rje Built-In KA9Q BBS Commands -------------------------- Accessible via 'telnet ' or 'telnet ' N.B. ~/ftpusers must contain a suitable entry allowing access, and the Telnet server must be started with 'start telnet'. Help ? (command list) Area A [] Bye B Chat C Download D (ASCII file) DU (uuencoded binary file) Escape E [] {^X} Finger F [][@] Help H [] Info I Kill K ... List L [ ...] Read R ... Send S [%][@] [< ] [$] Forward SF [%][@] [< ] [$] Reply SR [] Telnet T [well_known_port_number>] {23} Upload U Verbose V ... What W [] Zap Z Sysop @